
4 Years Continuous Parts Coverage

Four Years Continuous Parts Coverage
Delivery & Return
4 - Years Continuous Parts Coverage SpaBerry…We’ve got your back! The CPC-4 covers the entire cost of any electronic Part in your SpaBerry for 4 Years…from the day you purchase it! Just imagine owning a car for several years and then being able to purchase a 4-year coverage program that would extend the coverage of all electronic parts on your car for up to 4 additional years! This is what we are doing with the SpaBerry CPC Program! Protect your SpaBerry Investment for 4 more Years by taking advantage of Extended Coverage offered through the purchase of the SpaBerry CPC-4, and you will have 4 extra years of piece of mind knowing that you are covered for the most expensive parts in your SpaBerry! We require a Serial number to register each CPC purchased. A CPC Claim form must be submitted to SpaBerry for any part replacement during the term of the CPC purchased. All defective parts being replaced must be sent back to SpaBerry for inspection. Upon inspection, if defective parts aren’t defective the cost of the new part(s) will be charged to the customer. All regular SpaBerry Warranty Claims Processes and guidelines must be adhered to for replacement parts to be shipped. EACH CPC-4 COMES WITH A FREE ADDITIONAL GIFT FROM SPABERRY OF A TWO-YEAR SUPPLY OF BERRYPURE VALUED AT $500.00!!
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4 Years Continuous Parts Coverage